You’re a work in progress. So what have you worked out so far? Anna Lengstrand’s list inspires me to ask Anna Lengstrand was an instagrammer for us back in February 2017, and recently shared this on her personal channel, which inspired me to ask the same question of myself. What have you picked up along the way? What a fun list to make... as a reminder to yourself that, as much as you might … Continue reading You’re a work in progress. So what have you worked out so far? Anna Lengstrand’s list inspires me to ask

There’s a Chef Battle underway over the soup pots of Pemberton. Tomorrow, you be the judge over who prevails at the $10 Stone Soup Celebration at the Farmers Market

After they cooked up my taco dinner last Friday from their newly acquired food truck, at the Pemberton Farmers Market, I asked Snowline Catering's Angela Bradbury and Matt Prescott if they would be our guestagram team this week. Mostly, because, they are two of the chefs who have agreed to cook soups with amazing … Continue reading There’s a Chef Battle underway over the soup pots of Pemberton. Tomorrow, you be the judge over who prevails at the $10 Stone Soup Celebration at the Farmers Market

Stone Soup Celebration at the Farmers’ Market, September 29, for $10

I've been reading this book, Stone Soup, with my 4 year old, and feeling what a profound story it is, how much the world needs those travellers to trick us into being kinder, into sharing what we have, into realizing that if we combine all our own little bits of goodness, we come up with … Continue reading Stone Soup Celebration at the Farmers’ Market, September 29, for $10