Word of the Week: K’ul’tsam

In UCWALMÍCWTS, the language of the Lil’wat Nation, this word means only taking what food is needed.

In this article in Mountain Life magazine, Johnny Jones explains that this means taking from the land only what was needed to survive.

“Locavore” was declared the word of the year in 2007 in the Oxford American Dictionary because of the sudden buzz about eating locallly grown and sourced foods, but really, it’s not all that new.

One thought on “Word of the Week: K’ul’tsam

  1. Sheldon says:

    Great concept. Here’s an event in January that anyone travelling to Victoria might want to join:

    BC Bites & Beverages: “Rich in Food”: Revitalizing Traditional Food on the Northwest Coast. Presented by Royal BC Museum on January 17, 2013.

    Dolly McRae and her daughter Annie Watts are award-winning co-authors of an indigenous cookbook that focuses on Native American foods. Together with renowned ethobotanist Dr Nancy Turner, they tell a story of the native food movement while you enjoy indigenous food samplings and pointers on how to prepare and preserve the natural harvest.

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